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Stretch and compression
Compression and stretch, although a term used widely in Lindy Hop, has been the basis for all my leading and following no-matter what style

Trust and confidence in partner dance
The dance partnership doesn't work without a level of trust between partners.

The quality of your steps
I love every single one of my steps when I dance. The quality of my steps is why I enjoy my dancing.

Dynamic posture
Taking the approach of looking at how your posture is and understanding how it is the way it is, is a great step to helping you move with ea

The key to smooth and creative leading
So, I'm about to give away the number one secret to leading in a way that flows effortlessly from one move to the other, and it's to use the

The art of following
As a follow, you follow the energy that your lead is giving you. The lead initiates a movement, and to make this a partner dance, the energ

Structure vs improvisation
I love partner dance because it brings a wonderful interplay of steps vs improvisation – structure and chaos.

Relaxed shoulders for better connection
The arms are the line of connection in partner dance. So having a relaxed arm will enable leads to send clear messages and follows to under
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